Entries tagged [interview-questions]
100 hard software engineering interview questions
by Jerome Kehrli
Posted on Friday Dec 06, 2013 at 04:11PM in Computer Science
For some reasons that I'd rather keep private, I got interested in the kind of questions google, microsoft, amazon and other tech companies are asking to candidate during the recruitment process. Most of these questions are oriented towards algorithmics or mathematics. Some other are logic questions or puzzles the candidate is expected to be able to solve in a dozen of minutes in front of the interviewer.
If found various sites online providing lists of typical interview questions. Other sites are discussing topics like "the ten toughest questions asked by google" or by microsoft, etc.
Then I wondered how many of them I could answer on my own without help. The truth is that while I can answer most of these questions by myself, I still needed help for almost as much as half of them.
Anyway, I have collected my answers to a hundred of these questions below.
For the questions for which I needed some help to build an answer, I clearly indicate the source where I found it.
Tags: hard-questions interview-questions software-engineering software-engineering-interview-questions