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Table of Contents
The Chart Wizard offers the user a way to chart values edited by the user on the Calculation Sheet (5). The Chart Wizard provides several panels aimed at helping the user to define the chart parameters.
The Chart Wizard uses underlying R commands to actually build the chart. Most panels are wrappers around an underlying R command and the input boxes shown on the panel usually correspond directly to a parameter of the R command. The various panels and the meanings of the parameters are defined below.
A new empty Chart Wizard can be added to the workspace by using
Workspace → New Module → New Chart
A newly created Chart Wizard looks as shown on Figure 7.1, “New Chart Wizard”.
The user chooses the type of the chart as well as the set of additional parameters she wants to define on the chart. By choosing the type of the chart or when enabling an additional set of parameters, the corresponding new tab is added to the Dialog.
The user can choose amongst the following set of chart types:
In addition to the type of the chart, the user can enable / disable the following sets of additional features:
The Simple Chart panel offers the user the most basic chartting feature. A set of values are drawn as a
curve on an X-Y chart. The Simple Chart panel is built around the underlying chart(...)
R command.
The Simple Chart panel looks as shown on Figure 7.2, “Simple Chart Panel”.
The Chart Curve defines the curve to be chartted on the chart. The values of the curve can be typed in or selected on the workspace Calculation Sheet instances. In addition, the user can control various parameters of the curve such as the line type, the color, etc.
Whenever the user selects one single series of data as the X-Value, that value is actually used as an Y-value while the X value becomes the index / position of each value in the set.
The user can choose the labels displayed on the chart. The various labels are
The user can control the x/y aspect ratio of the chart. If it is a finite positive value then the window is set up so that one data unit in the X direction is equal in length to the 1 data unit x value in the Y direction. The special case with value 1 produces charts where distances between points are represented accurately on screen.
The Pie Chart panel offers the user the possibility to build a pie chart.
The Pie Chart panel is built around the underlying pie(...)
R command.
The Pie Chart panel looks as shown on Figure 7.3, “Pie Chart Panel”.
The available parameters or values are as follows:
In addition. various colors can be added which are then used as the set of colors to be applied to the various quantities.
The Box Chart panel offers the user the possibility to build box charts
for the different sets of data given as X values.
The Box Chart panel is built around the underlying boxchart(...)
R command.
The Box Chart panel looks as shown on Figure 7.4, “Box Chart Panel”.
The available parameters or values are as follows:
The Additional Curves panel is used by the user to add additional curves or set of data on
the chart defined on the previous panels. The settings are exactly the sames than those presented in
Simple chart panel (7.3) regaring the chart
curve. The Additional Curves panel is built around the underlying
R command.
The Additional Curves panel looks as shown on Figure 7.5, “Additional Curves Panel”.
It is possible to specify the labels to be put on the chart (main, sub, etc.) on some of the chart building panels.
However, when this is the case, only the labels themselves can be set, it is not possible to tune the look of the
labels such as the font size or the color. The Labels panel is built around the underlying
R command.
This panel offers the user with a way to define these labels along with the presentation settings such as font family, font size, colors, etc. Labels set through panel have precedence on those set on the individual chart building panels.
The Labels panel looks as shown on Figure 7.6, “Labels Panel”.
The available parameters worth a few additional words are as follows:
The Chart Legend panel provides the user with a way to add a legend on the panel. The
content of the legend as well as its style, location, etc. can be specified. The Chart
Legend panel is built around the underlying legend(...)
R command.
The Chart Legend panel looks as shown on Figure 7.7, “Chart Legend Panel”.
The user can choose the general Legend parameters.
Each line from the legend is edited from here. The user can add new lines as required or remove existing lines.
The Chart Parameters panel provides the user with a way to change the settings related
to the general chart parameters such as the border, the background color, etc.
The Chart Parameters panel is built around the underlying par(...)
R command.
The Chart Parameters panel looks as shown on Figure 7.8, “Chart Parameters Panel”.
The available parameters worth a few additional words are as follows:
Once the chart is displayed, the user can change its settings using the
settings button.
Besides, the following actions are available from the toolbar:
Save Image :
save the image as a file.
Zoom In :
zoom in (image gets bigger).
(Ctrl + '+')
Zoom Out :
zoom out (image gets smaller).
(Ctrl + '-')
Adjust Size :
adjust the display size of the image to the available viewport.
Original Size :
display image in original size (server side generated size).
Settings :
show chart settings.